I bought my fanuc robodrill t14ia with the t16 controller the unit comes with a tsud koma 4th table with a schunk clamping table, I am having problems clamping the hydraulic schunk table.

I go to menu 7 in the controller, which is table clamp/unclamp and try it but nothing happens. It also gives me the system message, clamp unfinished.

Before I spend a ton of time trying to get the 4th working I was wondering is there a parameter that over-rides needing to have the table clamped to run operations. Because if I try and MDI or turn the spindle the controller pulls an alarm saying it can not run until the table is clamped.

I know and understand the risk of why the alarm comes on but I just need to do a few simple parts asap I will figure out how to fix the 4th or schunk table after.
