I ship Taig parts and machines internationally. All the lathe and mill parts available through Taig Tools can be purchased via the web site that includes many pictures of the individual items.

There is an on-line ordering system at my web site. www.super-tech.com

Since Taig will not ship items internationally the items are shipped to me via UPS. Then I fill out the customs paperwork and take the items to the post office and ship them via US Mail. This causes a doubling of the shipping charges.

I also add a 5.00 USD handling charge for filling out the paperwork and going to the post office.

This also adds to the shipping costs.

In regards to Taig mills and lathes, I will also ship them internationally.

The on-line ordering web page takes your contact and ship to information along with your credit card account number.

How it works. The order information is sent to me with encryption. Upon receipt of the order a purchase order is created and sent to Taig Tools.

If the order’s destination is within the United States, Taig will ship the items directly to you. Shipping charges for customers in the United States are what UPS charged Taig plus about 4% to cover the cost of the fees associated with using a credit card account.

If the order’s destination is out side of the United States, I personally manage to get them shipped.

I wrote the on-line web site it has been in use for over five years. Just thought you guys might like to know more about it.

As methods of payment, I do not accept PayPal. I do accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa credit cards. I have also worked with International Money Orders and wire transfers of funds.

And by the way, I wrote a really nifty machine control program for running the mills. It is called SuperCamXp and it works via the USB port and a parallel port adapter I make called the USB CamPod.


Dennis Bohlke