Hi all! I have "inheirited" a MCV 500 w/ Meldas 5000 CII controller, s/n 901. I recently sent the spindle drive (SD-AX1) to meau for repair, $3175, only to get it back and, 1) have the same spindle overload alarm before I sent it, and 2) now have a new problem. It won't orient the spindle to do a tool change.

Before I sent the SD in, I was getting Field loss, IOC, Tach loss alarms. Turns out there probably wasn't anything wrong with the SD. The armature was burned on the tacho-generator on top of the spindle motor. Now spindle works great, but it won't orient.

Talked with meau tech for 45 min, and couldn't come up with anything. I noted all wires and terminal blocks (photos and sketches) on the SD before removing, and put them back as was. I get alarm 101-(NC mode not selected) when I try to orient the spindle manually or during M6 command. All it will do now is shift into gear to start the orient command but then after a few seconds it will throw alarm 101. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!