Hello everyone, I am verrrrry new to the CNC hobby but I am very impressed with the knowledge that is available on this forum. I hope to soon join you in being able to say that I have my own CNC machine. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge with a novice.

Now a bit of history, I am a sign maker by trade and a tinkerer and welder by choice. I am planning on building a 3'x4' usable area router for my sign business. I do alot of carved signs for the local area, and have simply run out of hours in the day to keep up with demand.

Now to the question, Vacpress has a thread on the wisecarver guide bearings and it seems that the main reason that most people are giving as a reason why it will be difficult is the cam bolts are difficult to produce. Well, I had this idea. take a short piece of crs rod (whatever length the thickness of your bearing is),drill the center hole a bit off center in a drill press. Then drill the side of the rod as if yo were going to put in a set screw. Then simply slip the new made cam over the shank of the bolt put a very quick spot weld in the hole you made for the set screw. Even if you are a sloppy welder 10 mins with a file and you have a cam bolt, viola, taa daa, shazam.

Let me know what you think of the idea.
Thanks Jimmy

PS how do you post the little smily faces