Hi All,

So I have completed setting up the hardware for my new controller.

I am now having issues communicating with the encoders/motors.

I double checked every connection and everything appeared correct.

I checked each driver via USB connection and found this using the Servoconfigurator3 software:

X Axis Whale 3 Drive:

This appears to be close to functional. When I analyze through Servoconfig, I get the "Current limiting" indication on both diagnostics and the LED on the driver.

How Do I fix the current limiting issues?


Y Axis Whale 3 Drive seems to be the larger problem.

This one does not seem to want to do anything.

It will initially "connect to device", but when I try to use the "analyse" button, I get errors. (see attached pics) Running/fault, Servo limit reached, Error output. LEDs on wahle= 5,6 error limit override. Then it indicates "drive not answering, drive not loaded" and cannot regain connection with "try to connect button."

I get the exact same results if I switch the RJ45 connectors from the Xaxis drive to the this Y axis drive.

Sorry, I am new to this and learning as I go.

Any help would TRULY BE APPRECIATED!!!!!!

Thank you,
