Okay, so I've got a part that I used to run on my Mazak horizontal mill (now sold) and am now running on the Haas VF-4SS. I'm thinking that the "SS" is a joke, because there's a bit of 3D machining on this part that was amazing to watch on the Mazak and is painful to watch on the Haas. It nearly stops when changing directions! I've changed the program to put arcs where there were 90-degree changes in direction, but it doesn't help much. My Haas Factory Outlet will kindly turn on the high-speed machining option for a mere $2300 (Hmmm.....I thought buying a SUPER SPEED machine meant that it was already high-speed!), but I have my doubts as to whether this will help. If it merely changes the look-ahead from 40 to 80 blocks, that won't do squat for the slowing I'm seeing during direction changes. I'm thinking that this machine just isn't very stiff, and it needs to slow to a crawl around turns just to keep the tool from gouging. Has anyone paid to turn on this option and felt it's worth it? Will the HFO deal on the price?
