Hi All,

I have been reading topics at this forum for some time but now it is time for my first posting.

Recently I aquired my first CNC lathe, an EmcoTurn 342 from 1995.
After transporting and installing the machine, I connected the main power and attached the aircompressor to the Emco.
After pulling the main switch the computer started as it should (giving an error 7000 (AUX OFF) and 7010 (Door Open).

However, when pushing the AUX ON button (as I should according to the manual) I hear a click and I see error 6040 "Thermal Error" showing up on the screen. The click comes from an 'electrical fuse' related to the hydraulic unit.

I know the hydraulic unit has no oil at the moment and my first question is how to refill the hydraulic unit and what oil should be used.

I created a simple website to show and share all picures I made from this beautifull machine:
Welcome to the page of RataM

The error and related questions are documented on this page:
error status EmcoTurn 342

Any help and advice is highly appriciated.

Thanks in advance,
