My wonderful boss bought me a Multus. I'm trying to transfer from Chuck 1 to Chuck 2. Chuck 1 is a collet chuck(not dead length or true length). Chuck 2 is a 3 jaw. I have a casting that is 2.1in diameter with a 5/8 boss on the top. I'm chucking on the 5/8in boss in the collet chuck and turning the OD and facing one side. When I bring chuck 2 up to transfer and command chuck 1 to open it alarms out on me because chuck 1 opens and pushes out against chuck 2. My first thought was i'll just move the W back as the chuck opens but it doesn't work.
G84 G1 W50. F.1.
Anyone have any ideas? Maybe an interlock I don't know about? I don't want to remove the collet chuck because I only have 30 parts and the next job is a barfeeder run where I'll want it back on.