Hi all

I have been working my way through the dwg's for my upcoming Joes 2006 adjusting things for my metric Australian build. I have produced gcode for what I have done so far (with the eval version of CamBam) and they run in my EMC2 install fine.

I have got up to the X-axis bearing adjuster box and am confused by the top & the bottom. I assume the steps need to be milled out of a solid block to a depth of .25" (6.35mm in my case). For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get the gcode file to do this, can someone offer some help either in the process of defining the steps into the MDF or by supplying an example gcode file that they used to do the job. Can CamBam do it?

Hoping someone can help this newbie out, it would be appreciated.
