I have been presented with the potential opportunity to buy a 2007 Hyundai Kia SKT-15 turning center with ~1700 hours (not sure if cutting, spindle, or power on yet) for $30k. This is a 2-axis 6000 RPM 15 hp 12 tool turret machine with tailstock, 6" hydraulic chuck, and 1-3/4" bar capacity. I believe the machine has a Fanuc 0i-T control on it. A side-discharge chip convenyor would likely be included in this price. I'm looking for some feedback:

-Is the $30k price good
-What do people think of Hyundai Kia machines in general; and specifically their turning centers of this size - are they reliable, rigid, etc.?
-What do people think of the Fanuc 0i-T control?
-If people had the choice of this vs a Haas SL-10, which would you choose and why?

I am going to travel to look at the machine in person early next week.
