Hi all,

I made a small block (screen shot attached in the link below) and I am not happy with the way I made the waterline around the part because, despite my best effort, the side was not completely flat and when I turned the part so that I can drill the small hole (in the red wall sect.), it contributed to the hole not being straight.

In retrospect, it might be better to start from the beginning with the long side vert. instead of horiz. making the "waterline parting line" around the Y-Z in the orientation in the jpeg.

Alternatively, it seems possible to not touch that face opposite the small hole (so I can be sure to rest it straight while drilling) after I make the initial "facing" that I did to help the setup.

Questions: 1. I see in Sprut in the job Assignment area after I select the first op roughing waterline, I can select that face, but when I hit "restict zone" it does not seem to do anything. How do I instruct SC to skip this face in the waterline op?

2. How would you all make this part? Is there an alternative to making this "waterline parting line/seam" all the way around the part?

Program and tap file are in the .zip. in this link: http://www.cnczone.com/forums/sprutc...waterline.html