I have a file here where the Z refuses to go up.
It cuts a rectangle then a hole then another hole then z can't go up (just a buzz sound)
Always after it cuts the 2nd hole, Always!!!
See *** comment inside Gcode

Power problem? I unplugged X and Y servos same problem
Binding/ motor problem? Plugged X axis servo ( so I'm actually moving the x-axis) into Z port with other two servos unplugged same problem. the Z.125 code just buzzes servo.

Yet I can jog the mill all over with no problem
Its only this dam file that causes the problem.

I tried lower speeds etc. etc. etc.

I was able to minimize the code and still have the problem
One hole then G0 Z.125 and it fails.... see code below.

Can anyone try this code on deskcnc

( Made using CamBam - CamBam CNC Software )
( sports-lcd-top 8/20/2012 10:45:40 PM )
( T0 : 0.125 )
G20 G90 G64 G40
G0 Z0.125
( T0 : 0.125 )
T0 M6
( profile1 )
M3 S1000
G0 Z0.125
G0 X2.9178 Y0.8795
G1 F10.0 Z-0.1
G2 F30.0 X2.9838 Y0.9847 I0.1322 J-0.0095
G2 X3.1825 Y0.87 I0.0663 J-0.1147
G2 X2.9838 Y0.7553 I-0.1325 J0.0
G2 X2.9178 Y0.8795 I0.0663 J0.1147
G0 Z0.125 <---- *************** F A I L S