I have been wanting a band saw for a few years. It just so happens that recently I have a job that I could really use a band saw to resaw some stock from 1" to .5". If I didn't do this I would be wasting quite a bit of stock when using my CNC to plane the stock to the thickness I'm looking for.
I called around today and found the only 14" band saw in stock in my small city! It seems Homedepot screwed up and left a customer's name and "SOLD" sign on a saw, however the customer had already picked up his saw... The saw was left sitting in the box for a long time, when I called they told me of the screw-up and they were willing to give me the saw for a deal. I rushed over, the box was in rough shape but everything looked in place and then I asked for the price, $140.00. I immediately ask what is wrong with it, I was told nothing they just wanted it gone.
I will be using this saw for limited hobby stuff, does anyone have any pointers on this particular saw?