I won some stepper motors on ebay and I am ready to hook them up to my xylotex board. Problem being I don't have any info on them. The only thing I have is that they are a 1.8 degree .4 OHm four wire motor. The only markings on them are as follows and beear in mind that these look like "stickers" on the end bell of the motors.

1 motor # 127K44370 and STP-58D4002-03 and 19230g

1 Motor #127K44191 and STP-58D4002-01 and 06231

1 Motor #X02-58d4-0010 and 25420.

Any help would be helpful. the wire ciolors are the same on all of the motors and are in this order (From left to right with output shaft facing you) Red-Brown-Yellow-Orange. If anyone has some similar set-up, could you let me know how yours is set-up. I plan on using Mach3 to control all this.
