Hi there,

I'm trying to chase some sporadic USB faults with my smoothstepper driver on a large rack&pinion DIY gantry router table. VFD+ 2.2kw spindle

The problem seems to come from a new airblast system I've built using a fridge compressor, plastic airline and a welding nozzle...

The issue seems to get worse over several hours of use, at which point the USB driver will error within 5mins of a cut. The issue seems to go away when the air system is off..

It's electrically isolated from the rest of the system, sharing a ground at the compressor end, and the compressor runs continously. I will try a ferrite ring on the compressor power cable, but I'm wondering given the way it gets worse as time goes on, if it's static buildup at the nozzle? Would grounding the tip dissipate this do you think? I'm not sure if it's building up on the hose itself (which runs down the cable tracks with all the other sensor cables)
Many Thanks,