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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Beware Tornquist Machinery

    If you are a builder do not consider them for distributorship. They rep'd a premier CNC lathe mfr which gave them the privilege to sell parts,which btw is easy money and what keeps many of the HFO's doors open.After selling well into the 5 figures $$ of parts and being 90 days late the builder was told he did not have the money and the only way he could pay them back was on future sales. At the same time, he was not paying ANY of his salesmen their commissions. He owed me $16,000 before the builder pulled the line and hired me as a direct factory rep. I was lucky and was offered a job. 1 salesman quit after westec, he was owed more than I. He owes another guy north of $30k and his senior salesman took 9 mos leave as he was due almost double that.
    To make things worse, him and his wife live a pretty extravagant lifestyle. She had the gall to send a salesman an email stating they couldn't pay us commission because they had to pay bills and why don't we go out and sell more!!!
    Moreover, he lies to customers about his service capabilities. He counts the girl that answers the phone, his wife that schedules, the 1 service man on his payroll plus sub-contractor service companies as HIS service department. Very Masco of him,lol,

    All this on top of screwing the local gov't. He got free rent in his "Buddies" factory (SoloCup), which is in an un-incroporated parcel of LA County. He built office space that didn't meet code as it blew all the breakers and fried a few pcs and their server.When I asked him how he got away with it he said there is no code-enforcement in un-incorporated areas. He also deducts taxes from our car-allowance which is non-taxable, no doubt hiding that money from the IRS/FTB cuz it doesn't show on our W-2's

    This guy is the epitome of scum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Turn him into the IRS, the more info you can provide the better. I'M sure he has hid money from the IRS going by what you said. Good part about it is any tax money they recover you get a percentage of. Do it , it's free and you have nothing to lose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Oh ya, bet on it. I'm goin to the labor board 1st. But, try getting blood out of a rock!!
    It gets worse, when he lost the lathe line he kicked and screamed and demanded 90 protection or he'd sue. The salesman that moved to that builder closed an almost 1mil sale that he brought over to Tornquist . He is getting no commission because Tornquist says he was no longer employed there so they are within their right to do so. Technically, thats true, but ethically? The salesman brought the account over to Tornquist, who had no idea the buyer was in the market. Did all the work while Tornquist was starving him. Then got the order while in his new job which pays off the money Tornquist embezzled and refuses to share it with the guy based on a technicality.

    What a scumbag

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Wow you sound like a very disgruntled employee. Gotta say I worked for Tornquist in the mid 2000's and did not encounter any thing like you are talking about. Sure you didn't get commissions if you didn't sell anything but what else would you expect, if you don't contribute how can you expect to reap any rewards. I was there for approximately 3-1/2 years until I needed to return back east for family concerns. But I made money and had no problem getting paid. There was a family atmosphere which I had not had before in a job. There was one person that was not working up to potential, maybe that is you. But I always say what you put out is what you get back, sometimes it is not an easy pill to swallow, but look in the mirror maybe that is where the problem is.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Beware Tornquist Machinery

    I recant what I said.
    The 2 parties have settled.
    Please close and delete this thread.

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