I am not electrical and I found allot of this on the web.
I know it is allot to ask but if I could get some feedback on this wiring diagram I would really appreciate it.
It is here.
http://www.pattispawprints.com/pipep...MDX 3 axis.pdf

I already have a few questions to finish this off.

1) I have a light after the PSU board and the voltage is around 43vdc and will vary as I understand so what can I do here?

2) Should I change the fan and relay curcuit to 110? I still need power for the PMDX-122.

3) The diode on the relay coil was something I foun on the web and don't really understand. I guess it has to do with vdc because I use 120vac relays at work all the time and have never use a diode?

4)Is 15 amp On the relay contact going to be enough? I have heard of EMF I beleive and would this be a problem?

5) The fuse on the 120 in line I don't know what amp it should be?

6) I don't quite understand the ground to pin 10 on the parellel port through the E-Stop.
