Hello All,
I've been wracking my brain trying to find a definitave answer to this question, and while I can find discussions all over about stepper windings, phases, and technical information beyond my use, Getting This:

(summing up page 7's details
B to pin 6
/B to pin 7
A to pin 8
/A to pin 9

to This:

Image Browser Popup On Oriental Motor U.S.A. Corp.

(I know that I'm losing efficiency by using a over powered motor for this drive, it's what I had on hand, thoughts on that too? running ~48v to this setup, and sofar so good, I think)

just hasn't been straight forward, and after hooking up my first guess of 4 leads to the db9, I've got no holding torque
Wondering if I need to join some of the wires pre db9?

Any help, insight, or an outright answers would be Awesome!!!