Hello My name is Andrew. I am looking for a change in my life. I have always loved seeing something start from nothing and viewing a Beautiful end result. I am looking for an apprenticeship in a company that will take me far. From learning all aspects of what it will take for me to be one of the best. Yes I understand this will take a lot of work and dedication, but the way I see my life going it is time for a change. I want to have something in my life i can be proud of, and support a family when the time comes that I may have one.

I am willing to move.
I am willing to work hard.
I am willing to listen and take classes to further my education.
I am willing to live in my car until I am able to afford a place on my own.

I want to be proud of my company I work for, and they be proud of me for the time I will put in to get to my goal.

If anyone could point me in the right direction please your help would be wonderful.

Thank you,
