Quote Originally Posted by metalmayhem View Post
If I had my time back I would have bought with the new stand , I bought when they crossed over . I was on the site one week then the next week when I planned to make the purchase the price had jumped $2000 due to the new stand . I talked with Kai and they still had an old stand and I was able to get it at the original cost . With the currency difference at the time it was a significant amount of change and I figured I could have a nice heavy duty aluminum stand made for less
Well this will make you sick then. I bought my mill when Novakon was moving from Canada to the USA. For some reason there was a delay in them shipping it out. To make up for the delay they threw in the new stand and a vise for free.

I wonder if it would be possible to modify an old stand to be like the new one. Mine has a large cutout under the mill when the chips fall into a removable tray. It also has a wash down pump that blows the chips under the mill into a tray. Doors open on the front and the trays slide out for cleaning. My only issue is the wash down nozzle (actually a garden hose type sprayer) is it clogs with chips that make it past the screens in the chip tray. I will be modifying it soon so there is a filter in the line to prevent that. Its under the mill but I can try to take a photo of where the chips go if you want to see it.