Hi there

First, my sincerest apologies if I'm cross posting, am just so tired of trying to find a solution. I am very new at this. I recently imported a 60w Laser Cutting and Engraving machine (Transon CNC TS-6040) from China. I am able to engrave on plastic and paper, even cut some wood, but when I try and engrave on granite and ceramic, nothing happens. I've been talking to my contact in China, but not really getting anywhere, seems we're just going in circles. My first effort, we converted the photo and then imported it into LaserCut 5.3 and then started the engraving with speed on 500 and power on 80%. It engraved extremely light and didn't look anything like what they did. I then asked her and she said that the power should only be 25%. Now it doesn't engrave anything. I have watched youtube video after youtube video to make sure that I'm doing the conversion correctly and saving to a bitmap, still nothing. Yet if I press the "Laser Contour" button on the LCD then it cuts into the granite. What am I doing wrong here? Even when I look at youtube videos of machines engraving on granite, there's actually sparks, mine doesn't make sparks. Please help!

Another thing, tested the engraving on paper and the rail that the laser is running on, seems to run into the side and then the alignment goes off. How do I fix that?