Here's another video, this time showing a MP10 probing cycle that finds the center of a hole. Probing is pretty speedy when you generate your own fadal macros. Programming is taking some time though and it's tough to keep all the variables straight. So far I can probe cylinders and holes, but at any location, and calculate work offset shifts.

I noticed that the fadal macro code that stores work offsets doesn't work over DNC. can anyone verify this? some stuff works over DNC though, the cycle shown uses the L9101 R+1. and R+2. fixed subroutines. maybe if I write some subroutines that simply store info in the offsets that will work? I don't know if I can call subroutines that I made via DNC. can anyone verify that!? I'll try it out - making some subroutines that is that get put in program memory.

The probe is pretty neat. (run in auto mode, not DNC) it updated the fixture offset by 10 thou in X, and 6 thou in Y, then everytime I run it after that it repeats by 0.0001, or 0.0000. pretty amazing! It's interesting that the offset was so big on the first run - maybe the SPI ring isn't perfectly concentric? or something... I don't know. could be another soft-jaw positioning foible; which is exactly why I bought the probes in the first place.

here's the video of the cycle:

Renishaw MP10 Spindle Probe fitted on FADAL 4020HT - Hole Center Locating - YouTube