After months effort of develop engineers, a new stable build of cutleader is available now. you can download the protable version from here:

the method to extract NC file is provided in it also, so you can do almost everything in it. let me know please if you need new postprocessor.

Here are a summary of new features welcomed by many users.
1. Manage cutting sequence in part unit. For cutting technology, we would cut inner holes before cut the part boundary. Sometimes, users need to add or modify cutting sequence manually, so we enhanced the sequence management method, that allow to control sequence in part unit, the cutting of inner holes is managed by software automatically. This function would ease sequence edit work load a lot.

2. Bridge cutting is widely used by plasma cutting machine, especially for cutting of thick material, software would add inner holes sequence automatically during add bridges between part boundary.

3. We get a lot of requirements that cutting of open boundary part. When the sheet size is same with the part, to save cutting time, the part bound lines same with sheet edge are not need to cut. In order to support of this kind of case, we supported the cutting of open boundary part. User just delete the lines not to cut, and import it into sheet mode directory, software would auto sequence and generate nc file.

4. Edit start position is a frequently used function, when there are many part nested in a sheet, it is a boring work to adjust cutting start position for each part. Now, a copy option is provide in cutleader, the modification of start position can be copy to all same part automatically if you check on this option. The other method is to verify file cutting feature for each part before creating of nesting task.

5. Workshop report is available now. sheet layout, part number and detail info, cutting time estimation info are included in it. you can print the report as pdf file if you installed virtual printer. The layout of report can customized also. Please feel free to contact if if you need more info included in it , we would consider to implement it in next build.

6. For some application, for example glass and wood, rectangle parts are more common machined. We don’t need create rectangle dxf/dwg file for each part now. what we needed is rectangle size list in excel file only. In automatic nesting interface, software can import the excel file, extract size info and create rectangle part at background automatically. This function would save part prepare time a lot.

7. Part grid is calculated based on true shape of part, not boundary box. All most all software use part box to calculate part grid, the space in X and Y directly. For irregular shape of part, the result isn’t good, we need save material as much as possible. It isn’t good to get common cut grid for irregular parts. In this new function, all this issues are improved, we can get the grid based on shape of part, common cut grid is easy to get also no matter for what kind of parts.

Hope you enjoy it!!!