
I have JUST begun looking into buliding myself a desktop CNC of yet undetermined category, but reading about CNC's in general have of coursed sparked my interest of salvaging used parts before throwing out used machines(I work in the IT department of a mid size company).

I just saved a stepper from the bin. It cam from a professional, but old label printer. I cannot find any data for it on the net(it is OLD):

The data are:
Vexta 2-phase 1,8/step
Model C6838-9212K-C5
DC 2.57V, 2.8A
WU7 67080

Oriental motor co, Japan

My question is: Is there any way of calculating torque and or speed, based on the voltage and amps ?

I have read that 2-phase steppers generally are more complicated to drive, so is it worth even using it, and is it in worth using the time to salvage parts from copiers/printers and similar ? What's your opinion on that ?
