What means ‚too expensive’ for you?
What is your budget?

I think your right regarding the operation. The software needs to be easily operated.
I don’t need an offer. I have a CAM for all application with possibly most available post processors ( I am not working in the production area)

Too expensive: possibly
Optimal milling paths: they don’t exist because the term ‘optimal’ differs from user to user
Too complicated: Practice makes perfect!
In our firm there is nobody that can program quicker than me with the help of my CAM.

I would like to add that I use one of the most expensive and most complicated CAM systems. (Pro/Engineer)
I think that a software doesn’t need to show everything in 3D if it’s not needed.
Better a few points, thus the coordinates/contours and finished!
Rough and finish the contour
Spot drilling the coordinates > drill and maybe cut threads.

I don’t know a current Cam for these simply tasks.
A CAM that should be so simply, could be sold for ~ 1k.

I don’t want to give more details about individual systems.
But I know for example Cam system for less than2k in wire-cut EDM.

1.only a pair of lines/points and that is good

2. good graphical display that is appropriate for the special type of machine.
Simple handling and all very fast!

3. around 7k and can pretty much the same as no. 2 - only looks nicer

I am not so familiar with current milling equipment.
I used to work on an old OPUS version and when looking back I have to say the simplicity was absolutely adequate.