Hi all

I've recently processed a fillet with VisualMill. I've uploaded the 3D. File in stp.-format and set the zero point onto the raw part (ashlar raw part). Previously, I created the raw part with the “model border box”. So far so good, zero point and raw part fitted.
I've created all the edits and ran the program. The fillet looked good, but I did not control the angle. Today I wanted to continue editing the whole thing and realized that the finished part is rotated by about 2 degrees to the left. This means that instead of 7.5 ° there are now 9.5 ° and instead 4.5 ° now 2.5 °. But the parts still fits with the coordinate system, there nothing has changed.

Now the question arises to me why that happened. In the whole model, I don’t have a 2 ° slope, which could possibly be taken as a reference point.

Can someone help me in this regard to what could be the problem?

Thank you in advance.