To all Roeder controller users!

At the beginning there are 3 values in the neutral point table (X,Y,Z).
Then there are 6 (turning, twist and inclination angle).

When the part is down and the new one goes on and one forgets to write a MACOOR-ALL, then problems start when a new part goes onto the machine.

One runs the part with the clock and wants to adjust it. However one always adjusts it to the last turn or rather inclination. When someone then copies the standard row into the particular new row for the processing, then the error should be apparent, shouldn’t it?

We are working with two people on two Roeder machines. It happened to both of us that a part had to be rejected even though we both pay a lot of attention to that problem.
Where is the error source that we oversee?

Can anybody help us out? Who has experience with this topic?