Hi Guys,

This is a question for any MCAM techs out there. I have had my Multicam for 13 years and have fixed most things on it, but now I am stumped.

Problem is basically this, When i try to home the machine the keypad spits out an error the the Dust Collector is NOT open. This causes the homing sequence to hang and then I cant home my machine or run any jobs on it. BUT there is no longer a Dust collector on the machine I have bridged these terminals on the Main Board a very LONG time ago.

Things I Have Tried:

1) Checked 5V voltage - 5.09V DC

2) Swapped around all the OPTO22 switches.

3) Swore and kicked the machine.

I can Jog all the axis motor 100 % with the BATMAN keys enabled
I can run the Spindle 100% from the invertor box itself.
I have checked all the wiring inside the mainbox, but nothing seems amiss.

What seems to happen is that when you switch the machine on the Dust Collector Opto22 is lit up and all is OK.

BUT as soon as you try to home the machine and the routine calls for the spindle to be initiallized then the spindle Opto lights up to enable the spindle and then immediatley the dust collector Opto switches off and spits out the error.

Is there no software available that I can get to access the parameter settings on the mainboard ( Extratech M24) ??
I feel maybe the Firmware has got corrupted somehow and is not "seeing" the input of the Dust collector input.

Anything else I could try ?