Yeh, I'm sure she would appreciate a nice ring, but I'm more into Hot Rod Parts ( shiney stuff) than rings and baubbles...Also, I had to buy her some "gifts" when she found out I was dragging another machine home ( what do you need that for ?How much is this one costing ? What is your fasination with old machines? and on and on..)

I was wondering if any one of the members have any experiance with Bostomatic 300 or 400 series machines ? The cat 40 tooling on the main spindle requires hydraulic Pressure to lock/unlock the tooling, but I did not see a pump in either cabinet ( it was getting dark, and the person we are buying the equipment from was in a hurry)The hydraulic lines were long enough to go to one of the cabinets ?

My second question is the high speed spindle. There are lines going from and to the high speed spindle which are the liquid cooling lines.The one cabinet has what is labled as
" Heat exchanger" and again I did not see any hook ups for the two liquid lines.

Although there were 7 books that came with the machine , most had to do with motion control, but there are very few pictures . I will say this is one of the more complex machines with a two HP spindle I've ever seen.No doubt it would take an operator some time to learn the machine and the operating system. The section to calibrate and bring to .0001 ( that is expected) is 11 pages long !

Again, if any members have experiance with this machine I do need help, so I won't break something or burn the thing down.

Mark, glad to hear from you, how is the Plane Project ? Ours is going slow, slow ( watching paint dry ) And yes Bob is a very good friend, out of this deal he got a working CHNC (?) Hardinge lathe in very, very good condition. But no more babies for us ! We raised 9 ( a few adopted) children, and I would never want to change a dirty diaper again, ever.

Every one, have a good and safe Thanksgiving !

Adobe ( old as dirt, but a lot younger than Dizaster !)