I know this has about a snow balls chance, at least this side of the world (Western Hemisphere), but not much to lose.

I have had a Chinese mill for close to 7 years and just getting around to trying to get it going. Good and bad there is no tool changer making for a simple machine,

The bad, as usual, poor documentation due to language barriers. I also believe the HNC 21M controls software version it has is an early version, for all practical purposes beta. Little quirks and nuances, but the wall I can't seem to get through, over, or past is saving hand entered programs or loading programs via RS232. Just like a relationship, communication is key. With Hyperterminal on XP and Kermit protocol I'm able to see data transfer into the controller, but it never confirms or displays any file or text to indicate the transmission bytes are anything meaningful.

The previous owner had Chinese assistance in setting up the machine, but for whatever reason wasn't convinced of the machine, although he said he just didn't want to learn another controller. But he was able to import 1 program via the RS232 com port. Which gives me hope and frustration that it is still just a hitch in the comm protocol or settings. If anyone has any words of wisdom, pray tell.

The controller is based on an embedded AMD Geode LX800 running MS DOS, that's right 2006 using MS DOS. The pc board has a USB connection, but I do not have MB information to confirm pinout. The controller software doesn't allow any access to the PC side of things to install or change drivers, or otherwise check directories.

It is so close to being a working machine, but looks like it might be another 7 years to retrofit to LinuxCNC and then be able to save and move files like any other PC on the planet.

Anyone out there anywhere in the world, (that can read or translate my English), any hints on getting the DNC portion of the HNC controls working?