Found a lot of great info on here through the search, however I am interested in getting my HAAS Controller Advance Too Management setup and couldn't find what I am looking for. Also where did the ask the hass answer man link go, is he retired? Gone as far as I can see.

I am running a 2007 HAAS OM-2A and primarily want to have the controller set up to feed hold on a preset spindle load condition, for example 3/8 3F endmill, post out a bad code on MC where I am taking a .750 DOC and forgot to change the stepover down from 50%, expected result would be a spike in spindle load up to 80-95%, I would like the machine to feedhold in case I aint there to do it myself.

So far I ATM set up with tool with tool #1 (3/8 endmill) set for group ID 1001, I have Setting 84- Tool overload action set to feedhold. Checked Parameter 315 and noted that the bit for Advance tool Management is turned on (1). Replaced T1 with T1001 and H01 with H1001, set tool load to 25%, set TL action to Feedhold, ran it on a generic facing operation adjusting the feed over ride to get the spindle load into the 45% range and no auto feedhold action going on, program just runs through.

When back to the ATM page and observed tool usage counter change, Feed time and Total time change, but spindle load remains at Zero? Re-Ran the facing program and pulled up the ATM page and saw the feed time counter count up but no changes in the Tool Load parameter. Is there another parameter Bit that I am missing or could go back and look at? Thanks in advance, will continue to try to figure this problem out tonight.