Edit: Once I pulled my head out of my posterior, the answer was simple to find.

Original question:
When I ran the machine this morning I jogged the spindle to the exact middle of the machine and hit the home button for all three axes. Then I used the touch-off button and put in new values for X and Y (317ish). Please don't ask why, I don't really have any good reason. Then I closed everything and went to lunch.

Now I went back out to the router, turned it back on, and jogged it to the bottom left. I homed all 3 axis. But the display still says I'm at X317 Y317 Z0.2, and when I try using the touch-off button to change it to zero it tells me "Can't issue MDI command when not homed" But it is homed - I get that little funky symbol to the right of the X/Y/Z numbers on the readout.

What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Answer: It wasn't homed. I only homed the X and Y. Not the Z. I looked right at the empty space to the right of the Z # and imagined there was a symbol there for "homed." Once I actually pressed the button in reality and not just in my fantasy world, everything started working as it should....