Slow! I am very bogged down with smaller time sucking jobs at work....close to catching up, but year end bookkeeping just around the corner too. Fortunately, my Dad is now retired and has picked up a lathe (CNC'd, but he's a newbie, we never had a lathe here at work) and a small manual milling machine.

So, he's been doing a fair bit of the work so far too. He's enlarged the holes on the new pulleys I got off aliexpress to match the old pinions and new motors, and now I have tasked him with milling a larger slot in the extrusions they used for the new first o thought it wouldn't fit and I'd have to rethink the whole X and Y axis motor mounts, but I think with a little work they'll squeeze it...I'll try to post pictures next week and probably not a lot happening until then. Really, around Christmas is when I see having a few days to work on it full time, but maybe I'll get enough done ahead of that to make that a final push.
