I´m working on getting a Hectomark mill work with Mach3 and is having problems with the spindle drive which is a FRENIC 5000MS5 (manual attached)
I can start it with the FWD input but it doesnt react on the analog 0-10v signal, and when I start it, it moves quite strange its like it pulses the motor at very low speed once every second or so
I have read something about this drive having the option to rotate the spindle for 90 degree and the lock it with a lockpin for toolchange so maybe its stuck in that mode somehow.

Also it has an option card OPCII-MS5-PE for encoder feedback (page 107 in the manual) but there is no info about it, execept that I found a little info in the catalogue for the drive which had an overview of the signals but only like here is inputs and here is outputs, nothing specific

I cant find any parameter which configures the input speed command so I guess its only the 0-10 that is available.

All help is appreciated