Here is my situation. As of right now, I populate the “user comments” section with all of the important setup information, x/y zero location, z zero location, vise or fixture setup, parallel size, etc… Some times human error makes me type x/y zero is rt/bk, when it actually is lt/bk. I have told my operators to go by the given “stock information”, as it is bobcad generated and is going to be more accurate. So what I am wanting to do is add an advanced posting page with check boxes, combo boxes and edit boxes with standard setup comments that will automatically populate my setup information. But this creates a problem. Without me populating the “user comments” fields, the setup sheets created by bobcad will no longer have all the important setup information!!!

Is there a way to generate xml data from the post script, so that after the scripting sets the setup information up, I can grab that information in the xml, xsl, css files and add it back in where the “user comments” section is at??