Hello Everyone

I recently purchased a 1988 Mori Seiki MV-JR with Fanuc 10M Control.
Been trying to get it up & running .............

When trying to read in a program to memory, I get this error:

SR833 Framing Error - Stop bit of a character received by RS232C interface 2 was not detected.

I have the RS232 set up this way: 4800 baud, Even, 7, 2 stop (not sure if I need something else set?)

I'm wondering if it's the setup or the program is missing something that the control is expecting?
The control alarms out immediately as soon as I send the program.
I tried several different edits to the beginning of the program...... i.e. (% or no % sign, O0001, Nothing on 1st line)

Any Help would be appreciated,
Thanks, Tim Bostic