Hey all!
Nice forum!

I would like to get into the CNC world with a simple machine, but I have no idea what to get. Here are my requirements:

1. I would like to be able to cut out of 4x8 3/4" MDF. I suppose this means the machine would need a table that large?

2. I DO NOT need a tool changer as I will mostly be doing straight cuts with some angle cuts once in a while. I could probably do the angles on a table saw if I had to to save money on the machine. -or do they have small bit changers, or a device that could be upgraded to add a tool changer if I want to later?

3. I would like to spend somewhere in the $10K to $15K range maximum

4. Would I need something with a vacum to hold the MDF down?

Any and all help is much appreciated!!
