Hi all

I have a 60W laser cutter/engraver based on MPC6535 control board. Lately, I have been having the situation that the machine stops working during operation. The "elapsed time" counter on the LCD continues counting and there is no beep. It looks almost like it's waiting for something but it will not continue even after waiting minutes.

I can press stop and the laser head will go into the initial position, so the software responds.

When I restart the job, the machine will laser up to the same point and starts waiting again. This behavior seems new, it did not happen before. Maybe something is broken, or I need to grease it. I tried to grease the tracks, but it did not improve.

When I only laser horizontal or vertical lines, it does not appear to happen. It has happened sometimes in engraving mode, too, but not as often.

Is this a known problem? Under what circumstances does this happen, and how can I avoid it?

Is there a firmware available for MPC6535? I bought the machine in 2010.

Thanks for any help!