I am trying to get single line fonts for engraving. It seems every program wants to outline the True Type Fonts (TTF). In my search, I have found Stick Font from http://www.ncplot.com and it comes with a rather, well, stick looking font. It is a free program and I'm happy with what it can do "out of the box." The program will output the text into a dxf which I can load right into Mach3.

The program says you can load any .chr font, which is some sort of Borland programming font.

These chr fonts are hard if not impossible to find. I've searched the web and came up with one file for the font. I tried loading it into Stick Font with no luck.

I also found a program called Easy Fonts. The program claims it will convert any True Type Font into the chr format. However, when I use the program in demo mode, the output text file is a mess and looks nothing like the Stick Font default.chr file.

So, does anyone have these .chr files in the proper format?

Or, does anyone know how to make a different program output non-outlines?

I tried deskengrave and a couple other programs with no luck. Just outlines!!!

Thanks in advance,

Aric Shelby