I managed to get my 1995 a-T10B Robodrill with 16mb control back up and running after it lost all its parameters with no backups. Now I am having some conflicting screen information when it comes to the Tool Compensation.
I have 4 columns in my Offsets page. So I assume I should be able to have the same number for Tool, H and D. but my screen where I set up my magazine shows funny numbers. Like for tool 1 the H # is 41. I am still waiting on a manual for the actual Robodrill but I did find a manual for one with a 16c control. Close but could still be different enough to cause problems. In that manual it shows the machine has up to 115 tools for the library. Each type of tool is in its own group example below:
Center drill Tools 1-10, and H codes 41-50
Drill 11-50, H codes 51-90
Endmills 86-105, H codes 136-155, D codes 166-185

I want to keep the same number for T H and D. So T1 H1. I thought C Compensation allowed this and it seems to work if I set up the offsets screen with the Z nc buttons. But it still shows the wrong numbers in the magazine and the tool library. It seems to run fine as long as I call H1 for T1. But the Library is messed up with wrong H and D values.
How do I change the Library and the Magazine screen to the Offset Numbers the Offset screen uses?

The only Parameters I found are below:
Bit 0: TLC Tool length compensation
0: Tool length compensation A or B (Conforms to TLB in parameter No. 5001)
1: Tool length compensation C (set to 1)

Bit 1:TLB Tool length compensation axis
0: Always 2 axis irrespective of plane specification (Tool length compensation A)
1: Axis perpendicular to plane specification (G17, G18, and Gl9) (Tool length compensation B) (set to 1)

Bit 2:OFH Offset number of tool length compensation, cutter compensation and tool offset
0: Specifies the tool length compensation using an H code, and cutter compensation C using a D code. Tool offset conforms to TPH in parameter No. 5001#5.
1: Specifies the tool length offset, cutter compensation and tool offset using H codes (set to 1)

Bit 3:TAL Tool length compensation C
0: Generates an alarm when two or more axes are offset
1: Not generate an alarm even if two or more axes are offset (set to 1)

Bit 5: TPH (not valid due to OFH setting)
Specifies whether address D or H is used as the address of tool offset number (G45 to G48).
0: D code
1: Hcode

Note) TPH is valid when OFH in parameter No. 5001#2 is 0.

Bit 6:EVO Specifies whether an offset is effective in the next block to be buffered or the next block for which an H code is specified when the offset value is changed in tool length offset A or B.
0: Next block in which an H code is specified. (no Idea on this one)
1: Next block to be buffered.

5002 5002 is blank. There are the bits just not the leters like LD! and LGN etc. Some reason the description is blank on the screen.
Bit0: LDI Offset number of tool off set (Wear off set number when option of tool geometry/wear compensation is selected)
0: Specified using the lower two digits of a T code (set to 0 Not sure what this means)
1: Specified using the lower one digit of a T code

Bit1: LGN Geometry off set number of tool offset @/hen the option of tool geometry/wear compensation is selected, it is effective.)
0: Is the same as wear offset number
1: specifies the geometry offset number by the tool selection number (set to 1)

Bit4: LGT Tool geometry compensation (When the option of tool geometry/wear compensation is selected,this parameter is effective. Whenever the option is not selected, compensation is made accordingto the tool movement.
0: Compensated by the shift of the coordinate system (Compensation is made in the block of T code regardless of LWM at this time.) (set to 0)
1: Compensated by the tool movement

Bit 5: LGC Tool geometry compensation (it is effective when the option of tool geometry/wear compensation is selected and LGN=O and LGT=O. Either LGN or LGT is 1, it is always canceled.)
0: Not canceled by offset number 0
1: Canceled by offset number 0

Bit6: LWM Tool offset (Wear compensation when option of tool geometry/wear offset is selected, or geometry and wear compensation when LGT=l .)
0: is done in the T code block (not sure what to put)
1: is done together with the axis movement

Bit7: WNP imaginary tool tip direction used for tool nose radius,compensation, when the geometry/wear compensation option is equipped, is the direction specified by:
0: Geometry offset number (Not sure what to put here)
1: Wear offset number

Bit 0: SUP Start up or cancel in cutter compensation C
0: Type A (not sure what this means or what to put)
1: TypeB

Bit 1: SUV When G40, G41, and G42 are specified independently,
0: The start up and cancel operation conforms to the standard specification.
1: Moves by a distance corresponding to the offset vector which is vertical to the next block movement.

Bit2; CCN When automatic reference position return (G28) is specified in the cutter compensation C mode (M series) or in tool nose radius compensation (T series):
0: The cutter compensation vector is canceled in movement to an intermediate position. (not sure what to put)
1: The cutter compensation vector is not cancelled in movement to an intermediate position, but is canceled in movement to the reference position.

Bit3: ICK In HPCC mode, a cutter compensation interference check is:
0: Done. (not using HPCC I think)
1: Not done.
Bit4: BCK In HPCC mode, when a cutter compensation interference check determines that the programmed move direction differs from the offset move direction by between 90 and 270 degrees:
0: An alarm is issued.
1: No alarm is issued.

Bit6: LVC Offset value of tool offset
0: Not cleared, but held by reset
1: Cleared by reset (not sure what to put)
Bit6: LVK Tool length offset value
0: Cleared by reset
1: Not cleared, but held by reset

Bit7: TGC Tool geometry compensation value
0: Not canceled by reset
1: Canceled by reset (Valid when LVC, #6 of parameter No. 5003, is “1”)

I am a bit lost of what settings to have in the above parameters. I highlighted the ones I have set. Could someone look them over and see if it looks correct?
