I've been studying the wiring diagrams for probes and have some questions.

What is the difference between M64, M65, M66, and M67? How do they map to the solid state relays on the 1100-1 board? In particular, the Fadal M code manual says that the MP12 requires M64 + M66, and a laser probe requires M64 + M67.

Also, with all these M codes to turn probes on, I don't see any to turn the probes off. How does this happen?

What, in addition to acting as a 24V power supply, does the 1570-1 board do? I see that the 1100-1 board is wired to supply 120VAC, which I'm guessing powers relays. How are they wired to connect the probe to J12? Am I correct in assuming that they are used as SPST and connect each probe to pin 11 on J12?
