Quote Originally Posted by Bordaco View Post
Hello to all,

I'm finishing my retrofit proyect on a Kondia B1000 cnc, we just pickup the Kflop + Kanalog combo for this project because the analog card, very helpful,
The machine is running very fast and accurate, like a new toy, but I have a little problem with the G28:
In the MDI line command at Kmotion CNC screen, I just type "G28" hit enter and the X Y and Z move together to machine home position.
My previous experience with Fanuc controls, in G28 command to finish the work, I always specified the axis to move like:

G28 Z0.
G28 X0. Y0.

So first clear the Z axis from the part, an then the other axis, and some times when me table is to big to wait the movement, i skip the G28 on X and Y axis.
And most of the CAM software trows separate commands to home the axis.

Any suggestions on how to change 28 behavior, or I missing someting here.


Boris Borda
Why use G28 at all

G0Z0. ( or where you want it to go )