
New problem on my machine.
I turn the key to start the cutting machine but the software stops on the 1st message on the PAD03 display :'System starting. Please Wait. V4.0.3'
It is therefore impossible to use the machine since no key on the board works. This happens several times.
To get out of this situation I need to shut down and restart the machine several times. And each time it takes several minutes to see if the machine will start or not. It's very annoying ... especially since I do not know where it comes from. Besides I'm afraid the machine will drop me at the wrong time and I can not guess when this will happen.
Note that I have already disassembled the 6515 card to clean the connectors with very fine abrasive paper and to suck the dust that settled on it.
I did the same with the card on the digital display interface PAD03.
Please can you help me solve this problem or at least know the origin?
What should I expect?
Thank you in advance.