I’m trying to use an 8 wire stepper motor (which I cannot find the data sheet for) and connect it to a TB6560 Stepper motor driver.

Shinano Kenshi
133919-001 Rev A
1.8 Degree/Step 2.4V @ 3.2A

The pair of wires are as follows:
Brown / Blue
Green / Red
Orange / Black
White / Yellow

On a breadboard for a unipolar setup, I can connect the Blue, Red, Black, and Yellow wires together and apply positive voltage to them. I then apply a negative connection to the Brown, Red, Black, and then Yellow wire, the motor moves counterclockwise.
On the TB6560 Stepper motor driver, there are slots for B-, B+, A-, A+ for the motor and positive and negative for the power supply.

My question is, how to I take this information from the breadboard and apply it to the motor driver?
I'm planning on doing testing between unipolar and bipolar configurations, but right now am trying to just get something working.