Now a duplicate.

Too make a long story short, have a bridgeport boss 4 w/ mach 4 conversion using the OEM axis drives. This system seems to have failed, not getting required voltage out (should be 56vdc, we get 39), axis make noise, no move. That one is low and other readings are high. Machine was working fine until one day couple weeks ago it just gave up, noticed axis moving really slow recently too. Let's just say I'm done trying to track down resistor/transistor/diode issues within - the usual suspects aren't this time. We do plan to keep the sigma steppers and spindle runs on VFD.

Anyhow - on to the question. Anybody here use the Leadshine 1182 to control their vintage Sigma steppers? Did not see quadrature listed as supported.

Mach4 setup runs using CNC4PC Ethernet smooth stepper (ESS) and C62 breakout board. If my imaginanation hasn't gotten best of me, all I'd need is to rip out that axis chassis, the back door, xformers, install a Leadshine for X,Y.Z connect signal inputs / motor outputs and 120vac. Set it up and get back to chip making.

Cost is a major factor, ease of use is another. Advice welcome.
