Hi i'm just about to get into CNC! I've just bought a second hand CNC machine a K2 the previous user used it for guitar bodies.
It comes with RhinoCeros 4.0 and RhinoCam 2.0
My 3d modeling experience has to date been limited to Sketchup and when I have looked albeit briefly at 3d programs there seems to be a steep learning curve which I have not committed myself to yet.
Previous to finding this 2nd hand machine I was going to go along the route of a Ooznest kit machine and tie it up with Vetric Software probably Aspire which I imaging would be a simpler route software speaking?
The question is this should I stick with the Rhino Combination or sell this and invest in Aspire.
I imagine RhinoCeros and RhinoCam could be sold for a resonable amount as it would halve the price of buying new as an upgrade could be bought, anyone have any ideas re. the value of this combination?
Thanks for reading and any comments and advice for a newbie will be welcomed.