Attached are pictures of a tool post grinder/live tooling attachment I made to replace a pneumatic die grinder attachment (also attached). My attachment is nearly silent and has more power. I am making this for a customer as well as a school project. I am using this as a project for a product design class and we need customer feedback. If you have time please respond with some answers to the below questions. The part is blurred due to customer request.

Please note: the reason I made the tool was for rough ID grinding of smaller parts on a manual lathe. I have not tested it for milling keyways or flats but I think for small features it would do well. As you can tell I simply mated a china spindle to a holder. I have plans for more elegant designs down the road.

1. What applications do you see yourself using this tool for?
2. What spindle specs are you looking for?
a. RPM
b. Power Required
c. Collet Size
3. What materials would you be cutting?
4. How aggressive of a cut do you need to make?
5. What kind of machine would you use it with?
6. Can you think of applications other than lathes?
7. Do you currently have a similar tool?
a. How is it powered and if so, what are its specs?
8. How much would you pay for a refined version of this tool?
9. What duty cycle would be required for your application?\
10. What is your position/job at your shop?