Hello everyone, I am brand new to the community and CNC milling in general. I'm interested in CNC because I wish to design and mill custom computer parts specifically aluminum sheet, 3/4" plexi watercooling distribution blocks, and possible wood. I have very little experience using Solidworks which I am being to learn more and more. Basically I am looking for a machine/plans that require me to do no precision cuts and require no special tools aside for machine square and calipers. I also would like the machine to be relatively quick to assemble and get running so I can start learning gcode and Solidworks better. I may have found what fits my needs 8020cnc.com sells plans and looks like total cost is around $2500 which is upper limit of how much I'm looking to spend. Anyone have any first hand experience with the machine at 8020cnc and are the parts recommended a good combination for what I am looking to do? Thanks everyone!