Not sure if this Pic will work, But basically, I am no modeling Xpert

I recently upgraded to BobCad V30. The first computer I loaded it on was not powerful enough to run the software

So I had a zippy new computer built by my guru here In Mojave

I have successfully done some work with this new version up until I started on this new model

I spent some extra nights drawing this up, In hopes of using it for some tool paths here and there
If the Pic comes through, You can veiw the sample part against the model I have been working on

Honestly, This would be a good 5 axis part, but I am constrained to 4 axis, and maybe I can bolt on a haas
indexer to do all these features and repeat them

Unfortunately, Once I got to the kinda parallelogram feature, The software keeps stopping and prompting me to close
or send solution to someplace, Heck I dont know

I guess my main question is there a way to compress all the work I have done on the model?

Every model I get from a customer, They always open fine, and I can generate tool-paths from them
many are much more complex than what I have so far. I tried to save as IGS or STP, No luck there

Is there something I am missing to make the model as one entity and get rid of 50 lines in the model tree
that seems to be were the complexity maybe over taxing my brand new computer

Specs Win7 Pro with 8 gig ram solid state drive. Not sure on the graphics cad, But I told the guy to install a good one with all the memory he could stuff on it

I tried to call into tech support today, But must have been too late, Im on CA time
I will do some browsing on the training disk for a solution, Maybe help topic withing the software

Edit 1)Looks like the pic came through, so as you can see, I still need to do a lot of work on this model, Fillets & trimming

Edit 2), If you look at my profile pic, I did that part with V23 W/Customer supplied model, So Im not entirely in the woods working with this software

Why does this keep locking up?

Attachment 389180