Hey Everyone,

Recently picked up a Prolight 2000 and am trying to get it going. This is the machine with the animatronics servo controller that plugs directly into a serial port run off of DOS.

Currently I have DOS 6.22 installed on a desktop, and the control software running. I am hitting the seemingly common issue of getting the machine to talk to the computer. I have tried connecting it directly to both the parallel port on my desktop as well as the serial port (although I cannot as of today verify the serial cable is correct, it is a serial to DB25 I found).

I have tried some of the usual tricks of turning machine on once software is running to no avail. The machine powers on and the power button lights up but it does not go further than that, so maybe there is an issue with the control box?

Another item I haven't been able to figure out is how to set the serial port COM settings. I tried mode COM1.... and got a function not supported on this computer. Is there any easy way to adjust the baud rate and parameters on the desktop? I have some listed here I plan to copy once I have the ability to edit them.


Other than this, any other tips on what I am missing or other troubleshooting suggestions?